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The October SAT Writing Test - How it matches up!

On the whole there are no huge changes on the October Writing Test.

However, there are a few small tweaks

Compared to the average of the 10 Official Tests in the College Board Book/available online (#2 & 4), the October Test had

  • 2 more punctuation questions - matching a growing importance placed on punctuation

  • 1 more grammar question (consistently of plural vs singular or verb tense)

  • 1 more graphic question

  • 0 - we call them grab bag questions — those questions that test grammar rules - but rarely (e.g. subject vs. object pronouns or idioms)

  • 3 questions that ask about main ideas of paragraphs and/or passages; this question is a newly emerging trend.

On the whole there were no great changes - but rather some minor shifts.